Youth find themselves and community at BELOVED
A modern vision quest
BELOVED is called to host youth vision quests. This is a future offering, to invite children and youth to open their imaginations in a wild natural setting. Focused on active imagination and play therapy connecting young children with the outdoors through hands-on exploration. Youth are lead on an intensive vision quests, examining cultural rights of passage and archetypal curriculums exploring the heroes journey. Working on the organic farm coupled with cooking classes for balanced nutrition are available for all ages. Camps would offer yoga, meditation, arts, crafts, music and dance in a beautiful natural setting.
“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”
Frank Lloyd Wright
Youth find themselves and community at BELOVED
A modern vision quest
For the first time in human history, children are more afraid of being in nature than being in a city. We have forgotten the healing of walking barefoot on the earth. From the electro-magnetic pulse to the touch of the grass, we are called to remember what it is to be in communion and community with nature. Through classes and a culminating overnight intensive, children and young adults will be invited and taught to reconnect with nature and the earth as a way to find and know themselves.
The coursework is experiential and personal. It is led by instructors but also by the student and the land itself. Each curriculum will be unique, including instruction on how to read signs from animals and the land, how to listen and learn from the land, and how to seek and receive a vision from the land. Calling upon past vision-quest traditions, the teaching is a way for youth to find themselves and, in finding themselves, find community.